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Undercover Man Page 10

  Twisting around, Paige flung herself against him. The diamond studs cut into her flesh as she dragged his head down. Her mouth was demanding, insistent, anxious.

  With a low, savage sound, he wrapped his arms around her waist. She strained into him, both relieved and ex­cited by the faint tremor in the muscles of his shoulders as he fought to control his passion. Whoever she might have seen so briefly in the mirror, this was her David.

  She felt his rigid member against her stomach. She tasted the raw hunger in his mouth. She was gasping with need when he swept her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He dumped her on the wide bed with a no­ticeable lack of his usual gentleness and ripped off her panties.

  She didn't stay prone for very long, however. As he yanked at his shirtfront, she scrambled to her knees. Her fingers tore at the studs while he shrugged out of the white suspenders. Tiny diamonds flew in all directions, followed in short order by his shirt, then the rest of his clothes.

  When he tumbled her onto the satin coverlet and cov­ered her body with his, Paige was ready for him. More than ready. The flesh between her legs was hot and slick and tight with anticipation.

  He filled her, as he always did. And stroked her. And fanned the flames higher and higher.

  But this time, his careful control slipped its bonds. For the first time, he let her feel the full weight of his body. For the first time, he lifted her hips clear off the bed with the force of his thrusts.

  And this time, for the first time, when she arched her back, groaning with the force of her climax, he slammed into her with a shattering force and spilled himself into her.

  Chapter 8

  Restless and edgy, Maggie wandered out of the dark­ened sitting room and onto the small balcony. Although this suite faced the mountains instead of the sea, the view was almost as magnificent, especially in these last few hours before dawn.

  Cannes slumbered peacefully, its subdued lights glow­ing like yellow diamonds against the inky blackness. In the distance, the city climbed upward at a sharp angle, clinging to the steep slopes of the Maritime Alps. The golden lights grew sparser there and appeared at higher and higher intervals, until a scattered few seemed to hang freely in the night sky.

  Maggie wrapped both hands around the balcony's wrought iron railing and stared up at those distant pin­points of light. Those were the villas of the ultrarich, she knew, sumptuous tum-of-the-century mansions that clung to the high hillsides or perched atop almost inac­cessible peaks.

  Her fingers tightened on the railing. In one of those villas resided Victor Swanset, the reclusive English ex­patriate whose classic films and right-wing political views had made him legendary in the thirties. He descended from his hilltop aerie only on rare occasions, Claire had reported. When he did, it was in a silver Rolls-Royce like the one that had whisked Paige off this afternoon.

  Of the two possible suspects Claire had identified, Swanset was the only one whose location they had a fix on right now. The French banker, Gabriel Ardenne, had gone underground somewhere in this guttering city.

  As she studied those soft, flickering lights, Maggie toyed with the idea of taking a little night reconnais­sance trip into the hills. She knew the aging film star's private fortress sat in isolated splendor atop one of those high peaks. Unfortunately, Claire had ascertained that the villa was accessible only by helicopter or via a nar­row, winding mountain road guarded with state-of-the-art security surveillance systems. Without Doc's backup, Maggie didn't dare try a reconnaissance.

  And Doc was otherwise occupied.

  Providing Paige close cover.

  A rueful smile tugged at Maggie's lips as she recog­nized the source of her late-night restlessness. Ever since she'd turned off the cameras and listening devices, she'd alternated between a hope that Doc and his fiancée would work through their differences and a sneaking, silent envy that they had differences to work through.

  It wasn't that Maggie was lonely, exactly. Her life was too full, her career too challenging, to allow time for loneliness. Nor did she lack for male companionship when she desired it. In addition to the circle of friends she'd established in her civilian life, she'd met one or two men during her missions for OMEGA who desired something far more intimate than friendship. A certain drop-dead-gorgeous Central American colonel made it a point to call her whenever he was in Washington. And a brilliant, somewhat clumsy young physicist was still pes­tering the president to have Maggie permanently as­signed to the United Nations nuclear-site inspection team he headed.

  Yet she had no desire to share this balmy night with either of those two men. She closed her eyes and breathed in the heady scent of primroses and cyclamens and tam­arisks that drifted from the lush gardens below. In­stantly, a vivid mental image rose of just the kind of man she'd like to have beside her on this small balcony.

  Someone who could move easily amid the rarefied at­mosphere of a city like Cannes, yet enjoy a quiet mo­ment in the still hours before dawn.

  Someone who combined a powerful masculinity with an inbred elegance that was all the more potent for being understated.

  Someone like Adam Ridgeway.

  A stab of pure physical desire tightened the muscles low in Maggie's stomach. Startled, she opened her eyes.

  Damn! She was going to have to do something about her growing preoccupation with OMEGA'S aristocratic director. Soon. She wasn't sure exactly what, since both she and Adam were too professional, too dedicated to their work, for either of them to step over the invisible line between boss and subordinate. Of course, Maggie admitted with a wry grin, she wasn't above bending the rules on occasion, but Adam...

  No, not Adam Ridgeway.

  None of the dozen or so OMEGA agents were privy to the exact details of their director's past, but they trusted him with their lives. His cool, ruthless logic and abso­lute authority were legendary. Maggie knew Adam would never allow personal considerations to color his judg­ment or his decisions when directing his agents. What was more, she valued her independence in the field too much to give him any more control over her activities than he already possessed. They'd had some rather strenuous differences of opinion in the past over her somewhat un­orthodox solutions to problems she encountered in the field.

  Still, if she could've chosen one man to stand beside her on this tiny balcony and breathe in the heady, per­fumed air, she knew darn well who it would be.

  It was this city, Maggie decided as she surveyed the dim, glowing lights. This center of sybaritic luxury. Cannes saturated the senses with its breathtaking vistas, pristine white beaches and fragrant air, not to mention its unapologetic devotion to pleasure. In a place like Cannes, it was easy to fantasize and forget such things as work­ing relationships and—

  Maggie stiffened, her fingers clutching the railing. There was another side to Cannes, she reminded herself. One that rarely pierced the consciousness of the plea­sure-seekers. A small army worked behind the scenes to keep those beaches so white. Fishermen got up before dawn to drag from the seas the mussels and bream and other local delicacies that appeared on the linen-covered tables each night. The crews manning the yachts had families tucked away in the old town who depended on their wages.

  A whole population of city dwellers out there actually worked for a living, Maggie reminded herself. What was more, those workers maintained an informal intelligence network that operated at warp speed. Word had proba­bly already circulated among the dockworkers about the American tourist who'd fallen off the gangplank of a yacht this afternoon. Those workers would know the name of that yacht, and its current location.

  Shedding her unaccustomed lethargy like a butterfly sloughing off its cocoon, Maggie headed for the small briefcase that housed the master communications unit.

  She hated to do this to Doc, but duty called. Biting her lower lip, she punched in his code.

  The ultralow-frequency hum emitted by the elegant gold cigarette case he would've placed within easy reach would wake him, but not
Paige, Maggie knew. It was tuned to the absolute end of the spectrum of sounds he could hear.

  "Doc here," he replied after a few moments. "Go ahead, Chameleon."

  If she'd pulled him from sleep—or from any other bedroom activity—she couldn't tell it from his voice. He sounded calm, and wide-awake.

  "I'm going out for a while, Doc. Down to the wharves. To see what I can learn about our unidentified yacht. Can you, ah, cover Jezebel for the rest of the night?"

  "I'll do my best," he replied dryly.

  Maggie grinned.

  "Try the rue Meynadier first," he added. "It's in the heart of the old city. The town's wealthier merchants have their establishments there. Then the Vieux Port, partic­ularly the quai Saint-Pierre. That's where the ship chan­dlers who sell everything from fishing nets to diesel engines are located."

  Maggie blinked in surprise. "When did you gather all this information?"

  "This afternoon, when you were packaging Mere­dith's product."

  She might have known! While she and Paige were sorting through bustiers and ball gowns, Doc had been at work on one of his lists.

  "Pretty good packaging, wasn't it?" she asked lightly.

  He hesitated a moment before replying. "Let's just say it was very effective."

  Grinning, Maggie signed off and headed for the bed­room she'd appropriated from Doc when she moved out of Meredith's suite. She dug through the items in the hastily packed overnight case, with little expectation of finding what she needed. There wasn't much in the wardrobe she'd brought on this assignment suitable for a late-night excursion to the old town. She tapped her foot for a moment, thinking, then reached for the phone.

  The concierge assured her that he would have some­one from housekeeping bring her fresh towels immedi­ately.

  Twenty minutes later, Maggie left the suite wearing a beige-and-white-striped maid's uniform. It hung a little loosely over her hips, but otherwise fit perfectly.

  The housekeeper had departed just a few moments ago, having exchanged the spare uniform she'd fetched from a supply closet for a thick wad of notes. The worldly Frenchwoman had been most sympathetic to Maggie's desire to don a disguise and slip away from an overbearing husband to meet a young and most virile lover.

  After a quick glance at the closed door across the hall, Maggie stifled another small pang of envy and hurried toward the stairs.

  Behind that closed door, Doc stood unmoving. He'd pulled on his slacks and padded barefoot into the sitting room to acknowledge Maggie's signal, not wanting to wake Paige.

  Now he needed to think through his partner's late-night excursion. He and Maggie had planned to operate independently during this mission, as they had on past assignments, so her decision to go down to the old town this late didn't surprise or particularly concern him. Maggie Sinclair wasn't the type to sit quietly by and wait for events to unfold.

  Nor was he, normally. Since Paige's appearance on the scene, however, Doc had had to modify both his cover and his method of operation. He wouldn't be making more than a token appearance at the international sym­posium of engineers that was his cover for being in Cannes. He'd already dropped a subtle hint or two in a phone conversation with one of his colleagues that he'd found something more stimulating than the sun and the beaches to occupy his days and nights on the Riviera.

  Paige didn't know it yet, but she wasn't going to be doing any more advertising. She didn't need to. When Meredith Ames left the casino tonight, she'd accepted more than just a onetime client. She'd entered into an exclusive contract for the duration of her stay in Cannes. Whoever wanted to claim the microdot from Meredith would have to work around Doc's visible presence. Now he just needed to find a way to let Paige know about the change in her professional status. She'd been surpris­ingly stubborn this afternoon, and again this evening, about her involvement in this operation.

  He turned to head back to the bedroom, and a splash of deep rose pink snagged his attention. Doc smiled to himself as he moved toward the assorted articles of clothing still scattered across the plush carpet. Scooping up the stiff-boned top, Doc admitted that Paige bad shown several new facets to her personality tonight.

  He'd never seen her explode with quite that wild abandon before. Or felt himself drawn over the edge like that with her. He'd never quite lost all control with her before.

  As he fingered the smooth satin, his smile faded.

  With a painful honesty, Doc forced himself to ac­knowledge that until tonight he'd deliberately tried to fit Paige into one of those nice neat compartments she'd complained of. The day he met her, he'd formed an im­age of her in his mind that he'd both cherished and tried to perpetuate. An image that didn't allow for either her stubborn insistence on carrying out this dangerous mis­sion or her unsettling appearance tonight as Meredith Ames.

  It disturbed Doc, as a man and as an agent, to realize that he'd underestimated her. "David?"

  He turned, still clenching the thick satin.

  The waning moon cast a silvery glow over Paige's pale hair and delicate features. Her makeup was gone. Her hair was tousled. Her skin was flushed from sleep. She'd wrapped a sheet around herself, toga-style, and Doc thought he'd never seen anything more beautiful in his life. Or more erotic. He loosed his grip on the pink top and tossed it aside.

  "What is it?" she asked, her voice anxious. "Is some­thing wrong?"

  "No. I just got up to take a message from Maggie. She's going out. To do some surveillance."

  Paige hitched the sheet up and padded into the room. "This late?"

  "This early, you mean. She's going to try to catch the fishermen and dockworkers before they begin their day, to see what they know about your yacht."

  "Won't they think it odd that an American woman is up before dawn, asking questions like that?"

  "I doubt they'll know she's American," Doc replied. "And depending on the disguise she uses for this little outing, they may not even know she's a woman."

  The mingled affection and respect in David's voice didn't trigger any of the jealousy Paige had felt earlier. Thinking about it, she wasn't surprised. Not after what had just passed between her and David. Not after she'd shared, even in a small way, some of the stomach-twisting tension of their mission.

  Still, she wouldn't mind hearing a little of the same quality in his voice when he talked to her. Gathering the folds of the voluminous sheet, she sat down on the sofa and tucked her knees under her.

  "What do we do if she finds the yacht? What's my next assignment?"

  She wasn't sure, but she thought she caught a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. That wasn't quite what she'd hoped to generate, but at least it was better than the cold disapproval he'd displayed earlier this afternoon. Decid­ing she wanted to see his face during this discussion, she reached up to snap on the lamp.

  When the light bathed him in its soft golden glow, it took Paige a while to raise her eyes to David's face. They seemed to snag at the level of his waist and get stuck there. She'd seen David half-dressed before, of course. She'd seen him wholly undressed before. But now, ob­serving the play of the soft light across his stomach and chest, she realized she'd never quite appreciated the rea­sons for his sleek, muscled power.

  Paige had always assumed he exercised so rigorously every day from an innate sense of discipline. She now knew he did so to hone his physical and mental faculties for this secret life he led. And well honed they certainly were.

  The lamplight played on the bare skin of his upper torso, casting it in subtle shades of bronze and tan. A light sprinkling of reddish-brown hair dusted his chest and curled around his flat nipples. She'd always consid­ered David handsome, but seeing him now, with his slacks hanging low on his lean hips and his pectorals bulging slightly as he crossed his arms, Paige made a startling discovery. His body turned her on. Totally. Completely. In a way she hadn't thought much about before. In a way she didn't have to think about at all. Her body was responding with no input from her brain whatsoever.

  Beneath the swaddling sheet, her nipples peaked, and a gush of damp heat moistened the juncture of her thighs.

  "Your next assignment will depend a great deal on what Maggie uncovers," David said casually, leaning one hip against a marble-topped sofa table.

  Paige dragged her eyes from her intense contempla­tion of his navel.

  "If she gets a lead on the boat you were taken to," he continued, "we'll arrange a meeting with whoever's on board. We'll have to make it seem accidental, but..."


  "We. As you pointed out this afternoon, you're part of this team, whether I like it or not. Until the contact is made, anyway."

  He paused, his lips crooking in a rueful smile. "But I can't take another night of watching you make yourself available to the highest bidder."

  "You can't?"

  "No, I can't. So I think we should alter your status a bit. From available merchandise to reserved stock. For private enjoyment only."

  At the look in his eyes, the moist heat between Paige's legs grew hotter, wetter.

  "What about the contact?" she asked around the sudden tightness in her throat. "How will he get to me if you're... privately enjoying the stock?"

  "Meredith indicated that the women who acted as couriers were free to indulge their own pursuits before and after delivering the merchandise. We'll just let word leak out that you've entered into an arrangement for the period of your stay in Cannes. Whoever wants that microdot is resourceful enough to work around an ap­parent lover."

  "Apparent?" she echoed. Her gaze slid down the broad expanse of his chest as she recalled just how far beyond apparent they'd gone tonight. The memories made her clamp her thighs together.

  Really, this adventure business was a sort of an aph­rodisiac, she decided. The danger, the excitement, the experience of playing a role so different from life's ordi­nary routine, all contributed to a sense of heightened awareness, a feeling of being intensely alive. No wonder James Bond had such a devoted following, Paige mused as she slid her legs off the sofa and rose.